Nvidia Jetson GPU Ai/ML Notes

Jetson Release Archives

Jetson Jetpack Developer Guide

PXE Booting

Flashing Local

Using External Storage

Turing Pi 2 Cluster Board

This occasionally useful little bastard can apparently host Jetson nodes along with other supported SO-DIMM socket SoC compute modules.

API Calls

A simple example:

node1 power state == "https://localhost/api/bmc?opt=get&type=power" | jq '.[].[].result.[] | map(. | select([]))[0]'""

Flashing Service Laptop

Debian Dependencies

apt install -y qemu-user-static nano ssh

Flashing to Jetson Without Reading EEPROM

The following text is taken from the Jetson Developer Guide doc.

Sometimes when you update the “customer over-writable” section of the EEPROM, a mistake can be made where the CRC-8 is no longer correct. In this case, you might have issues being able to flash and boot the system.

To skip the EEPROM read during flashing, run the following command:

$ sudo SKIP_EEPROM_CHECK=1 BOARDID=<BOARDID> BOARDSKU=<BOARDSKU> ./flash.sh <board> <rootdev>

For the BOARDID and BOARDSKU values, refer to “Devices Supported By This Document” and “Flashing with initrd” for more information.

After the board is flashed and boots up, to correct the EEPROM content, complete the following steps:

  1. Use the Linux i2c-tools to correct corrupted EEPROM content.
  2. Dump the complete EEPROM content with i2c-tools.
  3. Calculate the CRC8 value based on the result from step 2.
  4. Write the CRC8 value to byte 255 in EEPROM.

Module Info

We’re presently working with the Orin NX 16GB and Xavier NX 16GB.

Orin NX 16GB Module Data
