Lighthearted Questions


the following responses were transcribed unabridged, with natural amounts of verboseness and occasional brevity.

On a Personal Level

Who do you think you are?

a singular self in the timeless ocean of selves, no more or less than anyone else

Favorite color

the spectrum-gradient of pink hues

Favorite foods

always strawberries, also peaches, also pastries of cinnamon sugary sweetness

Favorite animal

rabbits of many types

Favorite Subject

I assume that’s not involving the usual tech stuff? then it’s probably fifty-fifty between neurology and.. gosh, I spend a lot of time reading about history, and even sometimes the history of neurology. it’s all fascinating, really.

Hot or Cold

loaded question… I’m nearly always feeling cold, but perhaps the vector is not about perceptions of basal body temperature?


that topic is cyclically referential, as I generally dislike discussing dislikes, prefer positive discussion.

Partially Personal

Pants or Skirts?

yes. time and place. I don’t have a favorite there.

Glasses or Contacts?

glasses, but not always required. less process involved. maybe laser eye surgery some day? still not sure.

Natural or Acrylics?

I loved having acrylics done at the salon, but when the C19 pandemic happened I was forced to take a break. it was for the best, as the years since have resulted in efforts to maintain the same length of natural keratin nails. the solution or secret or whatever, is to ensure the body has sufficient protein intake, about ~0.5mg per kilogram body weight.

On Tech

Favorite language

lately it’s Python for larger projects, while tcsh is enjoying a revival era of simplicity

Favorite database

ooh that’s a loaded question. after a couple decades of systems and database engineering, the more time I spend with OSS databases (OLTP, OLAP, NoSQL, clustered and ephemeral), the more I tend to dislike them from well-informed technical perspectives. if I had to choose I’d say, “if Oracle were Open Source it would get my vote”, but that won’t happen so perhaps none of them are my favorite at present (subject to change).

Favorite operating system

without hesitation, FreeBSD. ask me ten years ago and it would be FreeBSD… though there’s a soft spot in my heart for Solaris and its derivatives

Favorite distro

that’s a linux specific question, so it’s gentoo, with the caveat that its flavor consist of musl/clang/llvm with OpenRC for init. anything less is just a big-ol-bitch of gcc & gnu headaches, which should be avoided whenever possible.

Have you tried ((some other distro))

yes, I have. if it’s a redhat or debian clone then they’re all the same underneath, with similar problems and convoluted tangled nonsense that is unnecessary.


When did you start programming?

the first IBM PC 5150 arrived at home when I was too young to walk, but as soon as I could sit at a desk and conceptualize variable cause & effect, that’s about the same time that BASIC came into my life.. perhaps I was between 4-5 years old, followed shortly by the ever-engaging Turbo Pascal at age 6.

On Philosophy

Do you regret anything?

the concurrent duality of that answer might blow a circuit or fuse somewhere. maybe we can go into philosophy some other time…


indeed. so, philosophy is inescapable then? ok ok. yes why why why, the endless question, the unanswerable. because ‘there is’; and who am I to say anything otherwise? ..

how about this: existential obligation and causal determinism indicates that the perception of ‘why’ is mostly irrelevant, even if we define in minutia the underlying cognitions and conceptual infrastructure holding it all together. maybe there is more traction in emotional context, yes?

why do I do anything? because of love; everything is in service of that unifying energy which animates and enervates and bonds together disparate entities and identities. otherwise, without love, without the possibly infinite facets of its embodiment, there is nothing but the void… and I am often not wanting to return to the coma’s phase-shift of endless-nothingness null-state.

How long have you been internet’ing?

well, I started using computers before the internet existed, and while I was not an immediate adopter (mainly due to age), though my first usage was via a local university’s link to the NSF net, connecting through one of their mainframes via the dial-up account mentioned earlier. After NSF expanded to become The Internet, that’s when my usage became more involved. IIRC, the year was 1991.

Internet presence is sparse for ‘Eva Winterschön’, why?

I’ve always preferred a moderate public presence, with personal privacy protected in various ways. Those early years on the internet were often difficult, very little protections, but that’s a story for another day. You’re probably more interested in the present, which could be described as “Half of the identity protection requirements for a “Witness Protection Program”’. Those are serious arrangements with legal and law enforcement coordination, where-as my situation for the past many years is roughly 50% of that type of program. My legal name has been changed several times, which I won’t go into detail about here, and my living arrangements have been uprooted at more frequent intervals. It’s not fun, but it’s better than being stalked and threatened and so on. So, accordingly, I’ve had to minimize my online presence. The current presence is career driven, and very much a compromise and balance between awareness and safety.