Eva’s Brainwaves in UTF-8

This site is a word-repository for occasionally ponderous thoughts, rants, and emotive exculpations.

All joyfully silly imaginings and opinionated technical ramblings are the author’s own, unless otherwise noted.

PS: it’s a work in progress and subject to change

» xonsh
╰─»» cd Projects/winterschon/utf8.winterschon.com
               =========                  Eva Winterschön ~ git version 2.44.0
            ===============               -------------------------------------
           =================              HEAD: c67b1815 (master)
          ===  ==============             Pending: 10+- 6+
          ===================             Created: 2 months ago
                   ==========             Languages:
   ========================== =======                ● Python (94.7 %) ● CSS (2.2 %)
 ============================ ========               ● JavaScript (2.2 %) ● HTML (0.4 %)
============================= =========              ● C (0.2 %) ● XSL (0.2 %)
============================ ==========              ● Other (0.1 %)
========================== ============   Author: 100% Eva Winterschön 11
============ ==========================   Last change: 2 weeks ago
========== ============================   Commits: 11
========= =============================   Churn (1): …/__pycache__/nav_tests.cpython-311.pyc 1
 ======== ============================               …/_compat/pip_compat.py 1
  ======= ==========================                 …/cli/__init__.py 1
          ==========                      Lines of code: 1379077
          ===================             Size: 216.45 MiB (11779 files)
          ==============  ===

╰─»» uname -r

╰─»» !(lscpu | grep "Model name:")

  stdin=<_io.BytesIO object at 0x2d3a1e7e06d0>,
  stdout=<_io.BytesIO object at 0x2d3a1e7e0900>,
  stderr=<_io.BytesIO object at 0x2d3a1e7e08b0>,
  args=['grep', 'Model name:'],
  alias=['grep', '--color=auto'],
  stdin_redirect=['<stdin>', 'r'],
  stdout_redirect=[9, 'wb'],
  stderr_redirect=[11, 'w'],
  timestamps=[1711803931.8237114, 1711803931.8400238],
  executed_cmd=['grep', '--color=auto', 'Model name:'],
  output='Model name:              Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8370C CPU @ 2.80GHz\n',